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Ruidoso New Mexico A Growing Artists Community

Ruidoso, New Mexico is often thought of as a smaller and quieter Santa Fe or Taos, but, in fact it is a very vibrant community of 9000 souls almost all of whom touch or are touched by the arts in one way or another. Art walks, Art Tours, Art Loops, Art Festivals and Gallery Showings are just some of the regular cultural events occuring in Ruidoso. Gordon Snidow lives here as does Michael Hurd and they do so because Ruidoso has so much to offer in natural beauty, tranquil settings, easy life style and inspiration at every turn. It is no surprise that the Arts have made such an impact on this area as it has on our Northern cousins, Santa Fe and Taos.The culture of New Mexico almost insists that one reflect on the wonders of the region and express the joy and facination derived from the experience. Ruidoso enjoys a breathtaking panorama as it rests at the foot of Mount Sierra Blanca, the most Southern point of the Rocky Mountains.

Tall Ponderosa Pines, cool streams and rivers, abundant wildlife and a very temperate climate create an environment conducive to the creative. The Ruidoso Regional Council for the Arts is responsible for much of the recent success the area has enjoyed in it's pursuit of artistic recognition under the direction of Kathy Alexander. Kathy is very approachable and is a great contact for anyone wishing to visit Ruidoso with Art in mind.Kathy and the Arts Council are working diligently to energize individual Artists and help them to explore the Southwestern perspective. If you are looking for an interesting and beautifully unique destination in which to immerse yourself in the pleasure of the Arts then you will find Ruidoso to be a hidden gem in the Art world. To visit Ruidoso and witness the transformation of natural beauty into spectacular works visit www.

goruidoso.com and for reservations go to www.wpcr.com.

.Chuck Duncan is a member of the Ruidoso Council of the Arts and a local musician and businessman.

By: Chuck Duncan

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